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Exporting to DecisionSite



Gene expression data can be exported directly into Spotfire®'s DecisionSite™application (that will be launched automatically by GeneLinker™).


Enabling Export to DecisionSite™

You must have Spotfire®'s DecisionSite™ installed to use this feature, so install it if necessary.

The second thing you must do is edit your GeneLinker.conf file to tell GeneLinker™ where DecisionSite™ lives. This file is created in the GeneLinker™ install directory (default Program Files\MMC\GeneLinker Platinum or Gold) the first time you run GeneLinker™, so if you haven't run GeneLinker™ since installing it, please start GeneLinker™ and then exit the program.

If GeneLinker™ is running, please exit the program. The GeneLinker.conf file must be edited while GeneLinker™ is not running.

If you edit the GeneLinker.conf file while GeneLinker™ is running, GeneLinker™ will wipe out your changes when you restart it.

The following two entries must be edited with the correct directory paths from your DecisionSite™ install. The two lines below show the default directories for each.

mmc.genelinker.decisionsite.workingdirectory=C\:\\Program Files\\Spotfire\\DecisionSite\\Data

mmc.genelinker.decisionsite.location=C\:\\Program Files\\Spotfire\\DecisionSite\\Program

If these preferences are not set, the Export to DecisionSite™ menu item is not visible in the GeneLinker™ File menu.



1. Click a dataset in the Experiments navigator. The item is highlighted.

2. Select Export to DecisionSite from the File menu.

3. Select whether to write each gene as a DecisionSite record, or each sample as a DecisionSite record.

4. Click OK.

Once the dataset is in DecisionSite™, it can be saved to a DecisionSite™ format file.


Related Topics:

Exporting Data

Exporting a Gene List