Range culling retains the genes that have the largest ranges in values. The maximum and minimum expression values associated with each gene are calculated, and the range is calculated as the maximum - minimum.
The number of genes specified by the user that have the largest ranges are retained. All others are culled.
1. Click a complete dataset in the Experiments navigator. The item is highlighted.
2. Click the Filter
toolbar icon, or select Filter
Genes from the Data menu,
or right-click the item and select Filter
Genes from the shortcut menu. The Filter
Genes dialog is displayed.
3. Select Range Culling from the Filtering Operation drop-down list.
4. Enter the number of genes that will be retained in the Number of genes to keep field.
5. Click OK. The Experiment Progress dialog is displayed. It is dynamically updated as the Range Culling operation is performed. To cancel the Range Culling operation, click the Cancel button.
Upon successful completion, a new dataset is added under the original dataset in the Experiments navigator.
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